Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Dang, I spoke too soon! Poo fountain turned back on last night with full force. I'm sure no one wants to hear about my bodily functions, but writing about challenges helps me move past unpleasantness and get on with the day.

Had to cancel volunteer work today, again. Crawled up steps to chow down on some bananas. Feeling a bit better now.

My plan was to write about how I'm teaching english and math to children in an impoverished village, as well as co-pioneering a program to clean up trash and educate folks about the health dangers of burning plastics. But as often happens, the moment I think I'm saving the world, the Powers That Be knock me on my arse to remind me of my human frailty. It's quite humbling to feel so immobile, curled up in a feverish ball, waiting for the next intestinal rumble.

On the bright side, my body knows what's best for me. If I'm expelling something, it never belonged there in the first place, so in a sense it feels purifying.

Also a good reminder of what people in the slum village have to deal with; I have the luxury of a warm sleeping bag and pepto-bismol, they have to deal with living in the dirt with all manner of diseases, cooties, and fecal matter. When I first went down to teach (it's in the valley, an hour walk down the mountain), I nearly cried when I saw the living conditions. Not to far off from hell, if such a place exists. To add insult to injury, the only place they could set up their camp is in a dried up river valley, so when it rains the "floor" turns to mud. And yet the children (the ones that aren't bed ridden with Polio, TB, or infections) are amazingly lively, curious and respectful. Nearly every class ends with at least a dozen of them piled on top of me, calling out "Sir! Sir! Sir!" Asking endless questions, waiting to show me their latest drawing or math problem.

We're discouraged from bringing cameras to the village, so I'm attaching a photo from the charity's website:

...Having trouble uploading photos, will try again later.


At 8:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tashi Delek Kim Lama!

Brent, awesome pictures! Sorry you keep getting sick (I can relate - Colombia). Oh well, life happens. It's cool you're sharing your thoughts and experiences. I wish you health and happiness! You're my hero!

Remember, chop wood, carry water. Then after . . . chop wood, carry water.

Youbetcha! *chirp-chirp*

At 5:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Brent,

Hope you feel better soon - be sure to stay hydrated despite your illness.

I like your site -thanks for sharing.



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